The Sunday Alternative is a free podcast made for the love of discovering and sharing new music. I do it for free and am happy to do so. However, if you have enjoyed it then please do consider making a donation using this PayPal button. This will enable me to continue with this podcast and also to make other free entertainment, both in the fields of music and comedy, which I will make freely available online.

There is of course no obligation, but many thanks in advance if you do.

If everyone who hit this podcast paid one pound a month it would make a massive difference.

Sunday 20 March 2016

The Sunday Alternative Podcast #80

LJA Brown 'Old Money/New Money'

Benedict Trenches 'Blank Slate'

Plastic Barricades 'Around the Sun'

They Called Him Zone 'Gonna Have a Cool Time'

The Golden Grass 'Get It Together'

This podcast can be downloaded from here.